Poquet Auto Blog

10 Hilarious Traffic Ticket Excuses from Real Drivers

Written by Poquet Auto | Sep 24, 2015 3:00:28 PM

We asked our Facebook followers for the best (or worst) ways they’ve tried to get out of traffic tickets. Here are our favorite ten excuses.

Excuse #1. "Oh no, my wife is going to leave me if I get another ticket!" -TJ

Excuse #2. “Yes, I know my driver's license expired, but I was waiting to renew it until I had a good hair day.” -MCL

Excuse #3. “Officer, this car can't break the speed limit.” -KK

Excuse #4. I rolled through a stop and said to the cop, "Yes, I rolled the stop, but did you see the guy parked over there? He was knuckle deep in his nose! I was trying to get away!"  -JF

Excuse #5. Said I just got done volunteering for a three-day political campaign and was speeding to get home because I was tired. True story. Got a ticket anyway. -HA

Excuse #6. I was pulled over for speeding (going 90). I told the police officer I was going with the flow of traffic. When we looked around, there was absolutely no traffic anywhere. I got a ticket. -GKC

Excuse #7. Told the officer I was trying to burn the carbon out of the engine. It didn’t work, of course, but that's the excuse my father used once when I was a kid and it worked for him. -PJ

Excuse #8. It's best just to own it. I've done this and received a warning. -TS

Excuse #9. I was leaving a restaurant in San Diego with a couple friends in a rented Jag. I got on the throttle a bit hard and was pulled over almost immediately. The officer asked why I accelerated like that, and I told him "peer pressure." He looked at my friends, shook his head, and said, "I guess I can buy that." He let me off with a warning! - JL

Excuse #10. I was pulled over for not wearing my seatbelt. I went around a corner so the officer could not see me and quickly put it on. Then she came to my window.

Officer: “You weren’t wearing your seatbelt.”

Me: “I have it on right now.”

Officer: “You didn’t have it on before.”

Me: “Did you see me put it on?"

Officer: “No.”

Me: “Then I must have had it on the entire time.”

My ninja seatbelt fastening method did not work, and I ended up TICKETED. - JAK

We encourage our readers to drive safely and follow all traffic laws - that way you won’t have to come up with any excuses!


Image by Chris Yarzab via Flickr, licensed under CC BY 2.0.