Your vehicle’s battery acts somewhat like its heart—without a properly functioning one, it doesn’t have the power to start or move. That’s why it’s essential to know the common signs that your battery needs to be replaced, because no one wants to find themselves with a dead battery.

Slow Engine Crank
If your battery is on its last leg, you may notice that the engine cranks more slowly than usual. It takes an adequate amount of power to start your car, and all that power is produced from the battery alone. Once your vehicle is started, the alternator keeps the battery going by replacing the power used to start the engine and run your car’s electronic accessories. So, if your engine has a difficult time turning over, it’s more than likely a weak battery.
Dashboard Warning Light
It might seem like common sense, but if a light suddenly illuminates on your dashboard in the shape of a battery, that means there is most likely an issue. Don’t ignore it—take it to a professional to get it looked at right away. It could indicate you need more coolant added, but better to be on the safe side than to be stranded somewhere with a dead battery. Be sure to keep these 5 other dashboard warning lights in mind if they appear on your dash as well.
Complications with Electrical Components
As mentioned earlier, your vehicle’s battery is also the source of power for all the various electronic components in your car. These elements that are found in most used luxury vehicles include power windows, power seats, radio, wipers, dashboard lights, headlights/tail lights, and more. If you notice that these features are not as bright or powerful as they once were, it could be a sign that you need a new battery.
Battery Leak
Leaking of battery fluid causes corrosion around the posts (the + and - cables). The dirtier your battery connections are, the more juice it takes to push through the grime. So, you’ll want to remove the corrosion before your battery stops working. If you have leakage—contact our service center to get it cleaned up.
Sulfur Smell
Car batteries are filled with a combination of water and sulfuric acid, but over years of use, those fluids will slowly evaporate. Creating an unbalanced mixture that can cause overheating or boiling, which is where that sulfur (or rotten egg) smell is probably coming from. Don’t wait until it’s too late—if you smell sulfur, replace your battery.
Old Age
Depending on external factors (temperatures, number of deep discharges, etc.) most vehicle batteries will last about four to five years. When you hit the four-year mark, it’s in your best interest to get it tested by a professional to see how much life it still has left. If you’re unsure of how old your battery is, check the manufacture date on the battery case.
Common Questions about Your Battery
1. Why does my battery die overnight?
One of the most common ways to drain a car's battery is leaving a light on, or something plugged into an adapter. Other reasons may include faulty wiring or electrical components as discussed above. When getting out of your vehicle check the ensure that you have turned off the interior and exterior lights. You can always wait a minute after leaving your vehicle to see if the lights turn off, if they don’t, go back and see if you missed something!
2. Are there any factors that affect the life of my vehicles battery?
Whether your battery lasts three or five years, it all depends on your driving habits and the climate you live in.
- Shorter trips (roughly less than 20 minutes) make your battery drain faster as it doesn’t have enough time to recharge fully. If you’re continually driving short trips, overall the life expectancy will also diminish much quicker.
- Let your car run for a minute before turning on accessories (let your engine charge the battery before you put extra demands on it). When you turn the ignition, the battery is what gets your spark plugs/engine going, but if you have anything else running (radio, seat warmers, etc.) the battery energy will go to those too. Once the engine is up and running, it charges your battery, so the accessories aren't a drain at that time, but that first juice to turn them on before the engine is running? That's all battery drain.
- Temperature also put a lot of wear and tear on car batteries. Heat does a lot of damage to a car's battery. Even freezing temps, like the dead of winter here in Minnesota can break havoc on your vehicle and shorten the lifespan of a battery. If you have to jump it and it's frigid, try to roll the car into a sunny patch (in neutral) and open the hood so that the battery can warm up by the sun. A cold battery is an unhappy battery. It's harsh on a battery to try to jump it cold.
- Different locations also mean that batteries may last longer (or shorter) depending on many factors. We recommend scheduling an appointment at one of our two service locations to discover how long the average battery life for vehicles in your area.
3. How Can I Help My Battery’s Live a Longer Life?
Waking up to a dead car battery isn’t fun, and as batteries have a mind of their own sometimes, we may need to help them go the distance. To ensure your car battery lasts through the wintertime. Here are some helpful tips to keep your car's battery strong and healthy.
- Turn Off Interior Lights
- Turn Off Exterior Lights
- Unplug Power Adapters
- Let Your Car Run For A Minute Before Turning On Accessories
- Drive For Longer Than 20 Minutes
- Check The Battery Every Oil Change
- Test The Battery Annually After 3 Years Of Age
- Make Sure You Have Jumper Cables In Your Vehicle
- Keep The Connections Clean
- When Possible Park In A Garage
- Check Your Owners Manual
Replacing Your Battery
By keeping these common warning signs in mind, you’ll be able to get your battery replaced before it leaves you stranded on the side of the road. If you have any questions, contact our Lakeville Service Center or our Golden Valley Service Center.
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